As a summer project, a friend and I created a python bot that would scrape web articles about companies and make buy/sell decisions for that company's stock based on sentiment and time analysis. This was done as a research project to see if there is a link between news publications about companies and the prices of their stocks.
As school project, this algorithm uses supervised machine learning to classify the subject of a given forum post based on which class project it corresponds to.
In an attempt to stand out to recruiters, this once summer project has become a periodic passion project where I get to test all the new things I learn and ideas I have. My goal for this website is to show off the work I've done and encapsulate who I am as a person and a developer.
This bot will attempt to match you will the college that best fits your preferences and academic qualifications by estimating the odds of acceptance for each school in your state and taking into account each school's ranking in your specified major.
Originally part of a school project, the code is used to help astronauts navigate from point A to B by locating the nearest planets and creating a route to follow. Could be developed into a makeshift GPS system.
You can choose to play with a friend or against the Computer, AI with four difficultues to choose from that uses a MiniMax algorithm to choose its moves. This was a fun python refresh for me and an introduction to AI in games.
Classic card game using random number generators and basic Python to create a dealer. This was a fun, independent weekend project!
Classic card game that can be played with other people or against AI that runs a simple strategy. This was a class project focuses on dyanmic memory, polymorphism, and OOP.
Using only C++ a guessing word is randomly selected from a database and the player has limited chances to figure out what the word is. This was another fun weekend project. In the future, I'd like to combine this with another prrogramming language to add a visual element.